Saturday, October 30, 2010

Talking about..

I suppose I might as well blog since I have nothing to do anyways.

Tuesday's the day where I'm taking my IPPT again. Please let me pass my SBJ! I'm gonna do visualization. It helps, seriously.

Ravens the last week was not cool, not cool at all. We got tekan-ed for not being fast enough, people not doing heads out since they are too lousy to, but most of all, being the last company to book out and the first company to book in.

It's not that bad really, but it kinda gets onto you when you see other companies getting to book out. Pegasus, or faggasus as I call them, gets to book out on a Thursday night. That's like 2 days in advance. Anybody tell me what's the occasion here?

At least next Thursday night will be book out day. And when I pass IPPT, it'll be a sweet Sunday night book in. Consider it when recruits who fail IPPT may get to book in on a Saturday night or a Sunday morning to do RT.

Another tidbit. Raven company is the only company to carry on remedial training during PTP phase. Other companies may carry it out ONLY after fieldcamp. yay.

However, I know for certain that the streamers upon our Raven Company flag is not fake, and it is the pride and glory that I am and will be fighting for. When BMT is finished, and we find out that we are games day champion, drills competition champion and have the highest percentage of IPPT passers, I know it will all be worth it.

10 more weeks, Brothers!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


yeah, I have roughly 7 more minutes to go update my blog and then go eat, before going to book in at 1900 Raven time. yay.

last week was more havoc, with lots and lots of PT. can't deny that it didn't help but it did make the whole lot tired and upset. games was 'beep test', which was frankly not a test at all. I got all the way till level 7.

this week would have 2 4km route marches, and it's still the marching on the spot that kills us. lol. and the warm ups, cool downs too. always kena tekan only. lol.

cough's alot better, about cured. 1 month of coughing is bad. real bad.

Nov 2 is the next ippt, and if i don't want an early book-in, better pass it. T_T would there be another miracle for standing broad jump? Pray please let me score a silver!

ah. that's about it. oh. K Pop Night. how I regretted not going, sucks to be me, but suck it up. There should always be another chance la. lol.

Saw Sergeant Naufal at PS yesterday. lol. He's a fun guy. hahaha.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

It's been too long..

that I had no time to blog. or rather, too lazy to write. eheheh.

anyways, in this two weeks there were quite a few interesting things going on.

For one, the week before last I got my ass handed to me when my laziness got my 'wife' "stolen". let's not talk about that. lol.
I'm quite glad that my platoon commander is quite a nice guy. He bought gatorade powder for us!

ah well. the past two weeks were more PT, PT and PT. worked till there were aches everywhere everyday. as always, Wednesdays were the toughest to endure due to it being in the middle of nowhere. Mondays were not as bad.

however, Mondays are always laden with trainings that can make me shiver. please la. morning there's 2 pt sessions, afternoon speed training, and I guess there'd be OTOT training at night for sure. where got admin time? T_T

with all that said, PTP for now is still rather enjoyable thanks to the fun section mates I'm with. lol.

ah, I passed IPPT! so there'd be no more RT for me for the next 2 weeks! ^_^

I'm hoping for a silver next time around. 4 more cms in SBJ nia. haha.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Raven Warriors never let you down

I gotta admit, life in BMT is tough, but always never too tough to bowl you over.

First few days were the worst, where even the warm ups get you doubting that it is just a warm up at all, since you sweat like shit, especially during the cpt trainings.

Ability group run was ok, and we have completed 3 out of the 12 alocated for us in the ptp phase. what was bad about the agr was that immediately after the run, you have to do sbj and shuttle run before you get to do cool downs and rest. strength training and what not are as bad, but it do make you feel alive. haha.

I got fever, flu, cough and sore throat in Tekong too. yeah. and my cough's not cured yet. T_T

one thing my batch missed out was the rifle presentation ceremony. traditionally it was supposed to be done in the middle of the night where sergeants would shout for you to fall in in 5 mins, and then march out to the stretch of reclaimed land where they would present you the rifles, and you get to see the sunrise along the way. my batch had to do this in the evening, so no sunrise nor sunsets to see. boooo.

thankfully, my section mates were fun and really can do things, so I don't see any problems that can arise with them. thankfully.

tidbit - even though I said that I want to eat fried food in the days of book out, up till now my only fast food was burger king, where we first ate when we booked out at white sands. lol.